The “Auto import product settings” page allows you to schedule import operations to automatically update costs settings on a regular basis. You can set up an automatic import from external sources by creating and configuring your auto import settings.
To open the “Auto import product settings” page, go to Business Analytics navigation bar > Import / Export > Auto import settings.
Set up a new auto import
To set up a new auto import, follow these steps:
Step 1. Click the “Add” button with the plus icon at the top left;
Step 2. Set the auto import configurations in the “Create auto import settings” modal form according to the following fields and requirements (all fields are mandatory):
Select a file type: Choose the appropriate file type based on the data you intend to import from among the following options:
- Product costs: A file containing data related to product costs. Use this file type to import cost information specific to individual products.
- Order costs: A file containing cost-related data at the order level. Use this file type to import overall cost information for the entire order.
- Order item costs: A file containing cost details for individual items within orders. Use this file type to import cost data at the item level.
Import URL: Enter a valid web address starting with either "http://" or "https://". It is the location where you place the import file.
Password protected: Enable this option if your import source is password-protected and enter the corresponding login and password in the additional fields.
Import will run: It displays the auto import scheduled periods. To restore the default period settings, click the “Reset” button. To change the schedule settings, switch between the following tabs and adjust their settings accordingly:
- “Minutes”: to specify the minutes;
- "Hours": to specify the hours or select “Every hour”;
- “Days”: to specify the days or select “Every day”;
- "Month": to specify months or select “Every month”.
Advanced options: It allows you to customize the import frequency further, per each of the time-period selections. To set the advanced import frequency open the corresponding tab (“Minutes”, “Hours”, “Days”, or “Month”), click on “Advanced options” to expand the form, and use the radio button to select the frequency:
- “Every” – for the import to be executed every certain minute/hour/day/month starting from the defined point;
- “Every hour/day/month between” – for the import to be executed every certain hour/month within the selected time period or every certain day starting from the defined day of the month.
Step 3. Once all the necessary information has been added and configured, click the “Save” button to finalize the automatic import configuration. This will create a new auto import schedule and enable the system to automatically import cost data according to the specified settings.
Manage your auto import settings

The “Auto import product settings” page displays all your auto import settings.
Update: In order to update the auto import settings, click the “Settings” button (cog icon) within the corresponding auto import panel and make all necessary changes in the “Update auto import settings” modal form that appears. The fields present in this form are identical to the abovementioned fields of the “Create auto import settings” form.
Delete: If you wish to remove the unnecessary auto import, select the “Delete” button (trash bin icon) within the relevant auto import panel and confirm your action.
Warning: If a warning icon appears next to the trash bin icon, it indicates that the import URL or the import file is no longer available and must be updated. A tooltip with relevant details will appear when hovering over the warning icon.
Each auto import panel shown on the page provides the following options and information:
- Enabled/Disabled: It indicates if the auto import is active and performs imports based on the specified settings. Switch the toggle to activate or deactivate the auto import.
- Password protection: It indicates whether the import file is password protected.
- Import will run: It displays the scheduled frequency at which the import is executed.
- Import URL: It displays the web address from where the import file is retrieved with an option to copy to the clipboard.
- File type: It displays the type of data being imported – "Product costs", "Order costs", or "Order item costs”.
When the Business Analytics subscription expires, all auto imports are automatically disabled. These imports will remain inactive until the subscription is renewed.