This document provides a step-by-step guide detailing the process for creating new users under an existing SELLERLOGIC customer account. Only users with the appropriate permissions (Administration > Users > Manage) can initiate this process.
Step 1: Send invitation
New users can be created by sending an email invitation via the “Invite Users” modal form.
The form can be accessed in two ways:
- From the “Manage user” page: Navigate to the “Manage user” page and click the “Invite users” button to send an invitation.
- During customer account registration: Invitations can also be sent during Step 5 of the customer account registration process.

To send an invitation, fill out all the fields with the personal details for each new user – "First name", “Last name”, and “Email” – and click “Invite”. You can invite up to 10 users simultaneously by adding new fields using the plus icon.
Once the invitations are sent, a new entry for each invited user will appear in the “Manage user” table, displaying their details. Invited users will automatically be assigned the role of “Invited User | Invitation sent” until they complete the registration process.
If an invitation email is lost or not received, you can resend it by clicking the "Re-send invitation" button located at the beginning of the corresponding table row. For more information, see SELLERLOGIC Platform | Manage user.
Step 2: Confirm the invitation
Once the invitation email is sent, recipients will receive an email containing a link to confirm the invitation. They must open the email and click the "Confirm” button to proceed with registration.
Step 3: Create a user account

After confirming the invitation, new users will be redirected to the "Create User" page. On this page, they must fill out all fields and click the "Create" button. Please note that all fields are mandatory and must be completed to proceed. The “First name”, “Last name”, and “Email” fields will be pre-filled with the details provided during the invitation process, but users can update this information if necessary.
The system will automatically validate the entered information, highlighting any incorrect fields and providing tips to resolve any issues.
Once the form is successfully submitted, the status in the "Role" column of the "Manage user" table will update to “Invited User | Accepted”. Additionally, the user who initiated the invitation will receive a notification email containing a link to the new user’s profile page for further role administration.
Step 4: Access the SELLERLOGIC Platform
Once registration is complete, the user will be redirected to the SELLERLOGIC "Log in" page. To access the platform, they must enter the credentials created during account setup.
At this stage, new users will have limited access, and their role will remain as “Invited User”. To enable them to access the SELLERLOGIC services and perform actions within the platform, their role must be updated via the “Role administration” tab on the profile page. Please note that this process is restricted to users with the following permissions: Administration > Users > Manage.

Info: By default, the invited user will inherit the same language settings for the SELLERLOGIC interface as the user who sent the invitation. These settings can be modified later within the user profile.