Product settings form

The Repricer product settings form offers the ability to view and manage the settings of a specific product listed on the “My products” page. It also allows you to assign an optimization strategy to a particular product offer. Please note that if either the “Repricer B2C” or “Repricer B2B” service is disabled for the product's marketplace, the corresponding product settings fields will be locked for editing. In cases where a product lacks either a B2C or B2B offer on Amazon, "N/A" values will be displayed in the relevant fields.

Info: All financial values in the product settings form are expressed in the currency of your home marketplace.

To access the product settings form, navigate to Repricer > Products > My products and click on the “Update” button with the pencil icon located within the product toolbar at the beginning of the relevant table line.

Product info panel

The product info panel is located on the left side of the product settings form. This panel consolidates the read-only information about the product and includes an input field for the comments. The fields of the panel are identical to the table columns on the “My products” page. To learn more about the field descriptions, see Repricer | My products | Table.

Common product details

The upper part of the panel displays common product details that are assigned to the product irrespective of the offer type.

Offer type-specific details

The center of the panel displays offer type-specific details that are assigned separately for each offer type (B2C/B2B) of the product.

Dimensions details

The "Dimensions” section of the product info panel provides information encompassing the product’s length, width, height, and weight. This information is used to calculate the delivery cost for FBA – "FBA fees".


The comments section includes a text input field for creating and managing comments related to the product. These comments can be viewed by hovering over the info icon within the product toolbar, located at the beginning of the relevant table line on the "My products" page.

Product price settings panel

The product price settings panel is a centralized location to manage and customize the pricing parameters and strategy configurations associated with a product. The fields of the panel are identical to the table columns on the “My products” page. To learn more about the field descriptions, see Repricer | My products | Table.

Common product settings

Below is a table listing all product settings fields that can be applied to the product irrespective of its offer type.

Field Settings
Fee calculation

To update the value, select one of the following options:

  • Automatic: for the system to automatically calculate the values of the “Amazon referral fees (%)” and “FBA fees” for FBA products and the value of the “Amazon referral fees (%)” for FBM products. When this option is selected, the mentioned fields become disabled for editing. In rare cases, if the system cannot calculate the value of "FBA fees" automatically, this field will be enabled for the value to be provided manually.
  • Manual: for the fees to be entered manually.
Net purchase price To update the value, enter a new value in the input field. The entered value must be greater than 0.
Amazon referral fees (%)

To update the value, enter a new value in the input field. The entered value must be greater than 0.

Note: The field is available for editing only if the “Manual” option is selected in the “Fee calculation” field. In rare cases, if the system cannot calculate the value of "FBA fees" automatically, this field will be enabled for the value to be provided manually.

VAT (%) To update the value, enter a new value in the input field. The entered value must be greater than 0.
Other fees To update the value, enter a new value in the input field. The entered value must be greater than 0.
Shipment fee

To update the value, enter a new value in the input field. The entered value must be greater than 0.

*Applies only to FBM products

FBA fees

To update the value, enter a new value in the input field. The entered value must be greater than 0.

Note: The field is available for editing only if the “Manual” option is selected in the “Fee calculation” field. In rare cases, if the system cannot calculate the value of "FBA fees" automatically, this field will be enabled for the value to be provided manually.

If the “Store in Germany only” option is selected on the “Amazon seller account management” page for the “Fulfillment by Amazon” field, the extra 0.35 € is added to the “FBA fees” value.


*Applies only to FBA products

Recommended retail price To update the value, enter a new value in the input field. The entered value must be greater than 0.
Former selling price To update the value, enter a new value in the input field. The entered value must be greater than 0.
Product tag To assign a new tag to a product, either enter the name of a new tag or select an existing one from the dropdown list within the "Product tag" input field. Add more tags the same way, if needed. To unlink a tag from the product, click on the X icon located next to the tag's name. For more information, see Repricer | Products | Product tags.

Offer type-specific settings

Below is a table listing the product settings fields that must be configured separately for each offer type on a dedicated tab of the product settings form – "B2C" or "B2B".

Field Settings
Standalone price To update the value, enter a new value in the input field. The entered value must be greater than 0.
Min price

To determine the “Min price”, select one of the following approaches:

Automatic: The price is calculated automatically based on the net profit from the purchase price. To apply the automatic “Min price” calculation, ensure that the values for “Net purchase price”, “Amazon referral fees (%)”, and “FBA fees” (applicable only to FBA products) are provided.

Enter a positive or negative value representing the net profit from the purchase price in the “Min price” input field. The value is defined by the selection in the “Calculation” field: 

  • “Net profit on purchase price”: the specific amount of profit earned from the purchase price;
  • “Net profit in % on purchase price”: the percentage of profit earned from the purchase price.

Value: The price is assigned manually in the “Min price” input field. The entered value must be equal to or greater than 0.01 and less than the "Max price” value.

Alternatively, you can input a price value in a currency other than your home marketplace by clicking the “Currency exchange” button. However, the final value will be displayed in the currency of your home marketplace. To learn more about “Currency exchange”, see SELLERLOGIC Platform | User settings | Currency.

Warning: The “Min price” input field is mandatory if the “Optimization active” is enabled. Each optimization strategy requires the “Min price” and “Max price” values.

In case you have "Min price” assigned to this product B2B offer, ensure that its value is not higher than the one, set for the B2C. Otherwise, only B2C values will be used during all calculations.

Max price

To determine the “Max price”, select one of the following approaches:

Automatic: The price is calculated automatically based on the net profit from the purchase price. To apply the automatic “Max price” calculation, ensure that the values for “Net purchase price”, “Amazon referral fees (%)”, and “FBA fees” (applicable only to FBA products) are provided. 

Enter a positive or negative value representing the net profit from the purchase price in the “Max price” input field. The value is defined by the selection in the “Calculation” field:

  • “Net profit on purchase price”: the specific amount of profit earned from the purchase price;
  • “Net profit in % on purchase price”: the percentage of profit earned from the purchase price.

Value: The value is assigned manually in the “Max price” input field. The entered value must be equal to or greater than the "Min price” value.

Alternatively, you can input a price value in a currency other than your home marketplace by clicking the “Currency exchange” button. However, the final value will be displayed in the currency of your home marketplace. To learn more about “Currency exchange”, see SELLERLOGIC Platform | User settings | Currency.

Warning: The “Max price” input field is mandatory if the “Optimization active” is enabled. Each optimization strategy requires the “Min price” and “Max price” values.

In case you have "Max price” assigned to this product B2B offer, ensure that its value is not higher than the one, set for the B2C. Otherwise, only B2C values will be used during all calculations.

Info: If your product offer is part of Amazon's Low-Price FBA Fee Program, entering a "Max price" value that exceeds the Low-Price FBA threshold (applicable to both B2C and B2B offers) will trigger the "Low-price FBA notification" modal. This notification warns that saving the new maximum price may result in the product being excluded from the Low-Price FBA program. To proceed with updating the price, you must confirm your action.

Product group

To assign the product to a specific product group, select the relevant group from the dropdown list. Selecting the empty field (the first one in the dropdown list) will leave this product unassigned to any of the groups.

Alternatively, you can create a new product group directly within the form by clicking the plus icon next to the “Product group” field. Enter the name of a new group in the “Title” field and select an optimization strategy template from the “Strategy template” dropdown menu (optional). For more information, see Repricer | Product group.

Quantity discount for B2B offers

The "Quantity discount” section for your B2B offers allows you to configure the price reductions based on the quantity of products to be purchased.

Note: Discounted prices are not restricted by the minimum price and may fall below it. The minimum price is applied only to the value in the “Price” field of your B2B product offer.

To assign the quantity discount for the product, select the type of discount calculation with the help of a radio button, click the "Set prices” button, and fill out the fields accordingly:

  • Percent of business price: To reduce the price by a specified percentage of the base price.
  • Fixed prices: To assign a specific discounted price per unit.

Percent of business price

Provide the following parameters to enable the discount:

  • Minimum quantity: Specify the minimum quantity of products required to activate the discount.
  • % Off: Determine the percentage reduction applied to the base price.
  • Price per unit: Displays the final price per product unit after the discount is applied.

Note: The "Minimum quantity" and "% Off" fields are validated upon clicking the "Save" button. Both fields are mandatory and must contain values greater than 0.

Fixed prices

Provide the following parameters to enable the discount:

  • Minimum quantity: Specify the minimum quantity of products required to activate the discount.
  • Price per unit: Specify the exact discounted price per product unit.

Note: The "Minimum quantity" and "Price per unit" fields are validated upon clicking the "Save" button. Both fields are mandatory and must contain values greater than 0.

Up to 5 separate quantity discount settings can be configured for each product. Click "Set prices” to add more table entries or use the trash bin icon to remove the unnecessary ones.

Optimization active

The “Optimization active” toggle indicates whether an optimization strategy is currently active for a certain product offer or not. Once enabled, the “Optimization template” field becomes available for further configuration.

Note: To enable optimization strategy and process product pricing, ensure the product’s marketplace has an active Repricer subscription for either B2C or B2B.

To assign the optimization strategy to the product offer with the “Optimization active” toggle on, select one of the following options:

  • “User defined”: It allows you to set up a customized optimization strategy accessible only within this particular product setting form. To apply this option, select one of the optimization strategies offered by Repricer, and set the strategy configurations accordingly. To learn more about the strategy configurations, see Repricer | Optimization strategies.
  • Strategy templates: Alternatively, you can assign one of the optimization strategy templates that have been previously created and configured by users under your SELLERLOGIC account. These configurations will remain consistent across all products to which this template is assigned. To assign the template, select its title from the “Optimization template” dropdown menu.

Tip: To create a new strategy template directly from the product settings form, click the plus icon located next to the “Optimization template” field and proceed to specify the configurations for a new strategy template. To learn more, see Repricer | Strategy templates.

Reset product offer

The "Reset product offer" option becomes accessible when one of the Repricer services has been disabled for the marketplace listing the current product.

Selecting this option and saving the product settings form will remove all price-related settings for the current product offer from Repricer. As a result, all fields specific to the offer type will be locked for editing.

If there are existing offer settings on Amazon for this product, they will be uploaded to Repricer within a few hours after the reset, with a minimum delay of 2 hours.

The “Reset product offer” option should be used when an active product offer encounters validation issues related to the settings of the disabled product offer.

Create offer

If your product is currently listed with a single offer type on Amazon (either B2C or B2B), you can add an additional offer type by clicking the "Create offer" button in the information block on the corresponding offer tab. All settings specific to the selected offer type will then be unlocked for editing. For more information, see Repricer | Product settings form | Create offer.

Save changes

To apply any changes made within the product settings form, they need to be confirmed by clicking the “Save” button located at the lower right corner of the form. The system will then validate all the information provided and highlight fields with incorrect or missing information, displaying tips on what should be fixed. Hovering over the error icon will display the relevant error message to assist you in resolving the issues.

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