The sidebar menu, positioned on the left side of the “Profit dashboard” page, includes "Filters”, "Segments”, and "Groups” buttons that are used to configure the data displayed by the "Sales history" chart and page widgets. You can save a specific set of filtering options selected on the "Filters” panel as a segment, that will be accessible via the "Segments" button and can be reused for future data analysis.
To customize the data displayed by the “Profit dashboard” page or save the customized settings as a segment, click on the "Filters" icon within the sidebar menu and select the desired settings on the "Filters" panel.
Group/Account: This filter allows you to select a specific Amazon account or a group of marketplaces. The filter includes a dropdown list of your Amazon account(s) with Business Analytics enabled, as well as predefined group(s) of marketplaces created by users under your SELLERLOGIC account. This filter offers the following levels:
- Global: The default level, includes all manually provided data and the data received from Amazon reports. This includes global-level (indirect costs), account-level, marketplace-level, and product-level transactions.
- All Amazon accounts: It filters data associated with all your Amazon seller accounts with Business Analytics enabled and includes account-level, marketplace-level, and product-level transactions.
- A specific Amazon account: It narrows the data to a selected account and includes account-level, marketplace-level, and product-level transactions.
- A group of marketplaces: It filters data specific to a predefined group of marketplaces, which can be created manually by clicking the “+ Add new group” button directly within the dropdown or via "Groups". For more information, see Business Analytics | Edit groups.
Note: The higher-level data includes lower-level data, but the reverse is not true.
Marketplace: This filter allows you to select one or more Amazon marketplaces to filter the displayed information accordingly. The options offered by the dropdown menu depend on the selection made in the "Group/Account" filter.
Offer type: This filter allows you to refine the data displayed on the "Profit dashboard" by selecting a specific offer type:
- B2B: Filters the data to display only transactions related to B2B orders.
- B2C: Filters the data to display only transactions related to B2C orders.
- All orders: Filters the data to include only transactions related to orders, excluding other transaction types.
By default, the filter is unselected, and all data is displayed on the "Profit dashboard".
Period: You can customize the time period to filter the data accordingly. The default period is set to the last 14 days, including the current day. To change the default period, input the dates manually or apply one of the presets located on the left of the calendar form and click "Save". Note: The available dates span up to two years before Business Analytics was enabled. Selecting dates in the future is not allowed. For customers without a Business Analytics subscription, the date range selection is limited to up to three months.
Currency: This filter allows you to select the currency for all financial values on the page. Enter the name of the desired currency or select it from the dropdown list. Note: The system uses historical currency exchange rates to convert data accordingly, based on the currency rate at the date of the financial event. The default currency is determined by the native currency of the home marketplace associated with the first Amazon seller account to have Business Analytics enabled.
Change view
The "Order view" and "Transaction view" buttons allow switching between the view modes of the “Profit dashboard” page:
Order view: It is a default view that displays data related to actual and estimated transactions based on the order date. Transactions are assigned to their corresponding order date once the system receives the order transaction information. Info: Historical data may change with time since transactions related to an order may occur later than the order placement date. For example, let's say you receive an order on January 1, 2023, and the transaction related to this order occurs on January 15, 2023. In the “Order view”, this transaction will be assigned to January 1, 2023, once the system receives this order transaction information on January 15, 2023.
Transaction view: Switching to "Transaction view" recalculates the data according to the actual transaction dates. This view displays data according to transaction dates, regardless of the order placement date. However, estimated transaction data is still assigned to the order creation date. For example, let's say you receive an order on January 1, 2023, and the transaction related to this order occurs on January 15, 2023. In the “Transaction view”, this transaction will be assigned to January 15, 2023, which is the actual transaction date.
Note: Metrics such as "Orders", "Units", and "Promotions" display data according to order dates, regardless of the selected view.
Product filters
To define a product or selection of products for the corresponding data to be displayed on the page, open one of the filter categories and select the desired options. The table below lists all categories along with the product-related options available for filtering.
The values of these categories are interdependent, meaning that the selection in the first selected category narrows down the filtering options for the following categories. For example: The first selected category is "ASIN” and the result with the ASIN you requested is applied. The second selected category is "Brand”. The dropdown with the "Brand” results will display only the brand that is related to the previously requested ASIN. The same applies to vice versa.
Additionally, the categories respond to changes in the "Group/Account" and "Marketplace" filters. This allows you to specify searches for grouped or individual products. For example: You select an account in the “Group/Account” filter (marketplaces are not specified), and then you select a product by its ASIN. The product is sold throughout 5 marketplaces. Within the current settings, the data for a particular product on 5 marketplaces will be displayed.
Category | Description | Field options |
Title | The name or a short description of the product as received from Amazon | The search field with the dropdown including the products with ASIN (Amazon link), name, and marketplace |
Unique identifier |
The unique codes for product identification:
The list of product identifiers, each including the search field with the dropdown. Multiple identifiers can be applied simultaneously, but only one value can be selected per each identifier |
Brand | The name of the brand associated with the product | Multi-select field with a list of product brands and a search field with the dropdown |
Product type | The specific type assigned to the product | Multi-select field with a list of product types and a search field with the dropdown |
Fulfillment channel |
The fulfillment method applied to the product:
The list of fulfillment channels |
Manufacturer | The name of the manufacturer associated with the product | Multi-select field with a list of product manufacturers and a search field with the dropdown |
Parent | The primary or overarching product entity that groups together various related products, referred to as "child" products |
The search field with the dropdown including the product name, SKU, and ASIN. Note: The product’s name is defined by the Amazon account home marketplace. In case the product is not sold on the home marketplace, the marketplace for the reference is selected alphabetically |
Adult | This setting categorizes products based on their intended age group |
Checkbox for age category selection:
Tip: Selected filter settings are stored within the same browser session. If the page is reloaded or revisited, the applied filters will remain unchanged.
Apply filters
To apply the selected filtering options to the "Profit dashboard” page, click the "Apply" button at the bottom of the "Filters" side panel. Subsequently, the page will dynamically recalculate all the data in accordance with the selected filtering options.
To reset the filters to their default state, click the "Reset" button.
Tip: To close the “Filters” form without applying any selected filters, click the X icon or anywhere outside the sidebar menu.

To create a reusable segment of filtered results, configure the filtering options on the "Filters" panel and click the "Save as" button. Provide a unique name for the segment in the "Save segment” modal form and click "Save".
All created segments can be accessed via the "Segments" side panel. You can edit or delete segments, filter them by name, and view their settings. To apply a certain segment, expand it and click the "Apply" button. The page will dynamically recalculate all the data accordingly.
Edit segment
To edit a segment, click the "Edit" button next to the corresponding segment in the list. This action will open the "Filters" side panel with the segment's name in the header. Update the desired options and click "Save as". The “Save segment” modal form allows saving changes to the current segment and overwriting all previously selected settings or as a new segment by enabling the "Save it as a new” toggle.
Cases with absent data
If data changes after a segment is saved (for example, when an Amazon account is removed), the segment will still display the previous settings as text on the "Segments” side panel. Segments with missing data cannot be applied to the “Profit dashboard” page. When editing these segments, the values for the non-existing result will still be displayed in the field. However, once you try to modify them, the unavailable values will no longer appear as selectable options.
Tip: To close the “Segments” form, click the X icon or anywhere outside the sidebar menu.

The “Groups” button located within the sidebar menu opens the “Edit groups” page, displaying a list of all marketplace groups created by the users under your SELLERLOGIC account. For more information, see Business Analytics | Edit groups.