The Business Analytics “Dashboard”, “Transactions”, and “Orders” pages offer a comprehensive set of features for filtering and configuring the content displayed on each respective page. Each page’s header provides options and filters that enable you to tailor the information to your specific needs. They include “Group/Account”, “Marketplace”, “Date range”, “Currency”, and “Edit groups”, with additional product filters for the “Dashboard” page and transaction levels for the “Transactions” page.
Tip: The applied settings are saved individually for each user under your account and will remain even after leaving or reloading the page. Please note that while the settings may appear similar across Business Analytics pages, they are specific to each page and saved separately.

The “Group/Account” filter allows you to choose a specific Amazon account or a group of marketplaces to filter information displayed on the page accordingly:
- “Global” is the default option and displays all the data provided by Business Analytics for your SELLERLOGIC account. This is the highest level, encompassing all data reported by Amazon as well as the data provided manually across the Business Analytics pages.
- “All Amazon accounts” displays all the data associated with your Amazon accounts with Business Analytics enabled;
- Selecting a predefined group of marketplaces, created through the “Add new group” modal form, displays data specific to these selected marketplaces. Tip: You can create a group of marketplaces by clicking the “+ Add new group” option in the dropdown menu. For more information, see Page settings | Edit groups.
- Selecting a specific Amazon account displays data associated with that account only.
The “Marketplace” filter allows you to choose one or more Amazon marketplaces to filter the information displayed on the page accordingly. The options available in the dropdown list are determined by the choice made in the “Group/Account” filter. By default, the input field of the "Marketplace" filter is empty, displaying data associated with all your marketplaces.
Date range
The “Date range” filter allows you to specify the time period for filtering the information displayed on the page. You can manually enter the desired dates or select one of the predefined periods from the dropdown list. Please note that selecting future dates is not permitted.
The “Currency” filter allows you to select the currency in which financial values are displayed on the page. You can enter the name of the required currency or select it from the dropdown list and confirm your choice. Alternatively, you can choose to select the "Don't ask again" checkbox and the confirmation modal form will not appear next time.
Edit groups
The “Edit groups” button opens the “Edit groups” page, displaying a list of all marketplace groups created by users under your SELLERLOGIC account. To view group details, click on the expand icon located on the left side of the group name.
Add a new group
To add a new group of marketplaces to the “Edit groups” page, click the “Add new group” button with the plus icon in the upper right corner of the page. Alternatively, you can select the “+ Add new group” option in the dropdown menu of the “Group/Account” page filter to open the “Add new group” modal form. Enter the unique name for a new group, select at least 2 marketplaces, and click “Create”.
Edit group
To edit an existing group of marketplaces, click the “Edit” button with the pencil icon and make all the necessary changes in the “Edit group” modal form. Alternatively, you can select all available marketplaces with a single click by selecting “Select all” or clear the selection with the “Clear” button.
Delete group
To delete a group of marketplaces, click the “Delete” button with the trash bin icon, and confirm your action.