
This document provides an overview of the metrics available across the Business Analytics service, focusing on their definitions, sources, and calculation methods. Business Analytics integrates various data points from Amazon APIs, Repricer APIs, and user inputs to deliver comprehensive insights into revenue, expenses, and performance metrics.

Metric Description Source Calculation
Revenue The total income that includes product sales and other all income-related metrics Calculated by Business Analytics A sum of all metrics listed under "Revenue”
Product sales | Shipped orders The amount of income generated by completed product orders Provided by Amazon API
Shipping charges The fees collected from buyers for the delivery of the purchased products Provided by Amazon API
Gift wrap charges Additional fees for wrapping products as gifts Provided by Amazon API
Refunds and chargebacks Refund and chargeback transactions that generate income Provided by Amazon API
Reimbursements Reimbursement transactions that generate income Provided by Amazon API
Taxes Tax transactions that generate income Provided by Amazon API
Additional income Miscellaneous transactions that generate income Provided by Amazon API
Expenses The total cost that includes all expense-related metrics Calculated by Business Analytics A sum of all metrics listed under "Expenses”
Amazon fees All Amazon order and non-order-related fees including shipping fees for FBA products Provided by Amazon API
Taxes All tax transactions

"Taxes” provided by Amazon API

"VAT” added manually

Refunds and chargebacks Costs related to chargebacks and refunded products Provided by Amazon API
Guarantee claim Costs incurred due to guarantee claims Provided by Amazon API
Promotion Costs associated with promotions and discounts Provided by Amazon API
Ads (PPC) The costs associated with PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising campaigns on Amazon Provided by Amazon API
Cost of goods Costs associated with procuring products, including the net purchase price and other related costs

"Cost of goods” added manually

"Net purchase price" provided by Repricer API

FBM shipping costs Costs spent on the shipping of FBM products Added manually
Indirect costs Broader operational and administrative expenses that can be associated with any level of transactions Added manually
Other costs Miscellaneous costs reported by Amazon Provided by Amazon API
Other fees Miscellaneous fees assigned to the product Provided by Repricer API or added manually
Estimated margin The estimated margin, calculated as revenue minus total expenses Calculated by Business Analytics Estimated margin = Revenue - Expenses
Margin The percentage of estimated margin in the revenue Calculated by Business Analytics Margin = Estimated margin / Revenue x 100
ROI The ratio of estimated margin to total expenses Calculated by Business Analytics ROI = Estimated margin / Expense x 100
Markup The percentage increase of the estimated margin over the net purchase price Calculated by Business Analytics Markup = (Estimated margin / Net purchase price) x 100
Order items The total number of items across all orders Provided by Amazon API
Cancelled order items The number of orders canceled before fulfillment Provided by Amazon API
Units The number of ordered units Provided by Amazon API
Promotion The number of orders with promotions applied Provided by Amazon API
Refunds The number of refunded units Provided by Amazon API
Total ACoS The ratio of total advertising costs to total sales Calculated by Business Analytics Total ACoS = (PPC costs ÷ Revenue) x 100

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