The “Product details” form in Business Analytics enables you to manually configure the values of the cost of goods, other fees, VAT, and the FBM product or order shipping costs. Additionally, the form allows management of the Repricer synchronization status of product costs.
The form can be accessed in two ways:
- SELLERLOGIC Homepage | Business Analytics | Product costs > Clickable cost value
- SELLERLOGIC Homepage | Business Analytics | Orders > Edit order (pencil icon)
Form overview
The “Product details” form includes four cost types, managed separately for each marketplace where the product is listed:
Cost of goods: Costs associated with procuring the product, including the net purchase price and other related expenses.
FBM shipping costs: Costs spent on shipping of FBM products (accessible only for the FBM products). Note: To manage FBM shipping costs applied to the entire order, go to the “Orders” page, locate the desired order, click the “Edit order” button with the pencil icon at the beginning of the corresponding row, and open the “Order shipping cost” horizontal tab. For more information, see Business Analytics | Orders.
Other fees: Miscellaneous fees assigned to the product.
VAT: Value-added tax applicable to the product.
Each cost type is managed through its dedicated tab located vertically on the left side of the “Product details” form, with the following key components:

1. Marketplace switcher: Allows you to switch between marketplaces to view and manage the costs per each marketplace separately.
2. Product information: Provides read-only details of the product.
3. Transfer costs: Facilitates transferring costs from the current marketplace to other marketplaces.
4. Repricer panel: Displays the Repricer synchronization status of the product costs.
5. Cost periods and values: Shows a breakdown of cost periods and their respective values.
Marketplace switcher
The marketplace switcher, located at the top of the form, displays all marketplaces where the product is listed, with the currently selected marketplace highlighted in blue. The home marketplace is always marked with a house icon.
To switch between marketplaces, click on the desired marketplace tab located horizontally at the top of the "Product details" form.
Product information
The product information section displays product details in a read-only format:
- Image: Product image as received from Amazon.
- Title: Product name or short description as received from Amazon.
- ASIN: The Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) with a link to the product page on Amazon.
- SKU: The Stock Keeping Unit of the product.
- Fulfilment method: Fulfilment method applied to the product: FBA (Fulfilment by Amazon) or FBM (Fulfilment by Merchant).
Transfer costs
You can transfer costs from the currently viewed marketplace to other marketplaces where the product is listed. To transfer the costs, click on the “Transfer costs” icon, located within the product information section, select destination marketplaces (or click "Select all"), and press "Transfer”. This will copy all the costs and cost periods from the current marketplace, overriding any existing data in the destination marketplaces.
Note: FBM shipping costs can only be transferred to marketplaces where the product is also fulfilled as FBM. If Repricer synchronization is enabled for the destination marketplace, current cost values from Repricer may not update immediately; synchronization will reflect during the next scheduled update.
Repricer panel
The Repricer panel displays the synchronization status of product costs with Repricer for the current marketplace.
For products with synchronization enabled and values received from Repricer, the current cost period value is displayed within the Repricer panel. If the Repricer panel displays a cost value, the latest period date marks the start date of the current value shown by the Repricer panel.
Cost periods and values
Cost periods and their respective values are presented in two columns: cost periods (on the left) and cost values (on the right). The date displayed in the left column marks the beginning of the respective cost period.

Example: In the illustrated scenario, the “Other fees” cost value has been changed three times per each cost period:
- from infinity to July 5, 2023 (period value: 2,00 €);
- from July 5, 2023 to July 9, 2024 (period value: 6,00 €);
- from July 9, 2024 to infinity (period value: 9,00 €).
Manage cost periods
To add a first cost period for the product, select “Add new” and assign the cost value by clicking the “Edit” button with the pencil icon.
To edit a cost period, click the “Edit” button with the pencil icon next to the period start date and input a new start date for the period.
To add another cost period, click on the “Split period” icon in the desired location on the timeline and input a start date for the new period, ensuring no time gaps occur to prevent missing data.
To remove the cost period and its value, click the “Delete” button with the trash bin icon next to the cost period value and confirm the action. Note: The “Delete” button is unavailable when the Repricer panel shows no value, and the first cost period was created manually. In such cases, you cannot delete the first period; instead, assign a zero period value.
Manage cost values
The cost value represents the sum of all cost types assigned for a specific period. It is always displayed in the currency of the current marketplace. The cost value that is set for the particular period is applied only within the time range of the period.

To modify a cost value for a specific period, click the “Edit” button (pencil icon) next to the period value. This will open the cost editing mode, where you can view a detailed breakdown of the total value, along with information about the start and end dates for the selected period. The “Total” value reflects the sum of all cost entries in the table and is always displayed in the currency of the current marketplace.
To add a new cost entry to the table, click the “Add new cost” button (plus icon) located in the upper right corner of the table header. A new entry will appear at the bottom of the table. Fill in the fields with cost details and click “Save”:
- Cost type: Select a cost type from the dropdown list, or create a custom one by entering a name in the "Cost type" input field and clicking the plus icon. Each cost type must have a unique name. Custom cost types are saved in Business Analytics and can be reused for other products or marketplaces. Note: Default cost types and those already assigned to products cannot be edited or deleted.
- Unit price: The price per unit of the product.
- Quantity: The number of product units.
- Total: The aggregate value for all product units.
- Currency: The currency used for the price, which can be changed from a dropdown list. Info: Business Analytics provides a currency exchange calculator to help convert financial values. To access it, click the currency exchange icon, which will open the “Edit currency exchange rate” window. You can choose another currency or modify the exchange rate if needed. Editing the exchange rate is disabled when setting values for future cost periods. For more information, see SELLERLOGIC Platform | Profile | Currency converter.
- Note: Additional internal comments or details related to the cost.
To remove a cost type and its associated value, click the “Delete” button (trash bin icon) at the end of the respective row.
VAT value configuration
To adjust the period value in the “VAT” settings form, click the “Edit” button (pencil icon) next to the desired cost value, enter the new amount, and confirm the change by clicking the check mark.
Synchronize with Repricer
To manage the synchronization status of product costs with Repricer, open the “Synchronize with Repricer” tab, located vertically within the “Product details” form.
Enabling synchronization: Automatically syncs all product cost data from Repricer to Business Analytics for the current marketplace.
Disabling synchronization: Allows you to manually set all product costs for the current marketplace.
Repricer synchronization rules
- Synchronization can only be enabled/disabled per marketplace, not per product cost. Changing the status of synchronization affects all product costs within a single marketplace. Synchronization cannot be set separately for each product cost.
- Synchronization can be toggled on/off even if the product is absent in Repricer.
- Disabling synchronization saves the current Repricer value as history without its end date.
- If synchronization is switched to enabled and there are previously transferred costs from Repricer, the most recent historical cost (without an end date) is finalized, setting the current date as the end date. A new cost value from Repricer is then applied to the current period.
- Adding future cost periods is disabled when Repricer synchronization is active. Creating future periods is possible if the user has no synchronization with Repricer enabled or if the Repricer panel displays no value.